Welcome to Handbells Music Lesson 5 for weeks 21 – 26. If you haven’t yet completed lesson 1, lesson 2, lesson 3 and lesson 4 be sure to complete those lessons and the rhythm flash cards lesson before moving on to this lesson. See the Handbells Syllabus for an overview of all the lessons.

🎶 Weeks 21-26: Review, Performance & Fun!
- ✅ Reviewing favorite songs from past weeks
- ✅ Practicing for a mini performance for parents
✅ Fun activities:
- “Musical Freeze Dance”
- “Play Along with a Story” (kids add sound effects to a simple story)
✅ Final concert in Week 26 🎉
🌟 Materials Needed:
- ✅ 8-color handbell set (C to High C)
- ✅ Color-coded song sheets
- ✅ Rhythm flashcards (clap, tap, slow/fast)
- ✅ Simple props (scarves, small instruments for variety)